THE latest version of a home heating and energy efficiency scheme helping combat fuel poverty has been welcomed by Blaenau Gwent councillors.

At a meeting of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday, April 19, councillors noted the agreement to work in partnership with the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) and energy firm EDF on ECO4flex.

This scheme will run until March 2026.

ECO (Energy Company Obligation) is a UK government energy efficiency scheme administered by OFGEM and funded by energy companies, which is designed to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty throughout the UK.

Deputy council leader and cabinet member for environment, Helen Cunningham said: “We know how serious the issues are with people living in fuel poverty especially with prices rocketing and the housing stock we have in Blaenau Gwent.

“The flexible eligibility part allows us to set some of our criteria.

“We’re participating in the scheme through the Cardiff Capital Region with 10 other local authorities.”

Five of the authorities will work with energy firm EON on the scheme, while all Gwent councils have been partnered with EDF which is owned by the French Government.

Cllr Cunningham said: “This scheme is slightly different, as it will take a whole house multi-measure approach to upgrade energy efficiency.

“It will be targeting properties in the lowest bands and those not on the gas grid, which could include measures such as solar panels and heat source pumps.

“We hope the big takeaway from this is that it will be able to target some families in the most severe levels of fuel poverty.”

Cabinet member for regeneration, Cllr John Morgan said: “This is a welcome scheme. We’re in the middle of a cost of living crisis and this will alleviate higher energy bills moving forward.”

Blaenau Gwent has participated in a previous version of the scheme, ECO3

Flex and 134 households benefited from measures which included replacement boilers, cavity wall installation, first time central heating, upgrading electrical heaters and loft installation.

Part of the eligibility criteria for ECO4 is that a house has a poor energy EPC rating of E, F or G or is a “hard to treat” property which includes being off the mains gas.

Householders who are vulnerable or at higher risk due to a medical condition that can be made worse by a cold home would qualify.

Benefits eligible for ECO4 funding are: –

  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance.
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Income Support.
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.
  • Working Tax Credit.
  • Child Tax Credit.
  • Universal Credit.
  • Housing Benefit.
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit.
  • Child Benefit although income thresholds apply.