FOUR new sites in Monmouthshire could be opened up to travellers or gypsies, it has been revealed.

Monmouthshire County Council has today that a meeting of the Labour-run's council's cabinet will meet on Wednesday, July 26, to decide whether to commence a consultation about four pieces of council-owned land that could potentially be used to meet their legal obligation to provide gypsy and traveller pitch requirements.

Before that, the report will be discussed in a scrutiny committee on Wednesday, July 19.

A gypsy and traveller assessment was previously undertaken in 2021 and identified that 13 pitches were needed by 2033 to enable members of the travelling community to be able to build a successful life and gain employment and where children can attend school.  

Utilising council owned-land is just one option for providing gypsy and traveller pitch provision.

Households can also identify and suggest land themselves and the council say they welcome "any possible suggestions from local landowners".

The four specific potential sites across the county have not been confirmed at this time.