A MAN has been jailed for having sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl he had met in the pub.

Jahmal Johnson from Newport was 26 when he “groomed” his victim, Cardiff Crown Court heard.

The defendant’s offending came to light when his girl’s mother discovered her daughter was seeing him and she reported him to the police.

Prosecutor Clare Wilks said: “He was aware from the outset she was 15.

“There was a significant disparity in age and there was grooming behaviour against the victim.

“All of the activity was consensual – there's no suggestion of rape or that she didn't consent – but of course she's of an age where she cannot consent in law.”

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In a victim impact statement, the girl said: “I was groomed by the defendant into having a sexual relationship with him when I was 15.

“As a result of this, I have been left feeling anxious and on edge.

“It has affected my confidence and I don't like myself.

“I feel like part of me has been taken away.”

Johnson, now 28, of Birch Grove, Llanmartin pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual activity with a child.

He has no relevant previous convictions.

Julia Cox representing the defendant asked the court to take into account her client’s guilty pleas and his “immaturity”.

She added he had an “isolated relationship” with the girl and this would be his first taste of custody.

Judge David Wynn Morgan told Johnson: “You encouraged her to delete the messages between you.

“You took full advantage of her for your own sexual gratification.

“The harm you have caused her is incalculable.”

The defendant was jailed for six years and told he would serve half of that in prison before being released on licence.

Johnson was also made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and a restraining for 10 years.