CCTV shows the terrifying moment when a firework exploded inside a Chinese takeaway in Newport after being thrown inside by a group of youths.

A lit firework was thrown into the Dragon Palace, which exploded moments later leaving the shop to be filled with smoke.

The incident happened at the takeaway in Chepstow Road on Saturday, October 28, at around 8.30pm. A man is seen on the footage kicking the firework out the door.

Zoie Fong, co-owner of the Dragon Palace, was petrified after the incident and is worried about when the group of three youths will strike again.

She said: “I was terrified, luckily there was no customer in the shop when it happened it was only myself, my husband and brother-in-law along with two staff in the kitchen.

“Nobody was injured but part of our counter was burned, I was at the counter every minute watching the door as I was so scared it would happen again.”

The CCTV footage shows three youths, one who was watching the incident, one who opened the door and one who threw the firework in.

It also shows the take-away’s delivery driver risking his safety to ensure the firework didn’t hurt anybody after it exploded and covered the shop with smoke.

Ms Fong is now pleading with the parents who are responsible for the children to educate them about the dangers of fireworks.

She added: “While we are grateful that nobody was seriously hurt, those kids' actions in throwing a firework into our shop caused damage to our counter and, more importantly, posed a significant danger to our staff and customers.

“I would hope that the parents will take this opportunity to educate their child about the serious consequences of their actions. Mischief like this can have grave repercussions, potentially resulting in harm to individuals or even loss of life.

“It is essential to impress upon them the importance of responsibility and the potential impact of their choices on others. I hope the authorities will stop or control the sale of fireworks.”

The incident was not reported to the police. However Gwent Gwent Police advises on its website that if children are setting off fireworks in your area, advice is to ask them politely to stop.

“It is possible they are unaware that they are breaking the law. If you know their parents, perhaps ask them to intervene.”