Two Sisters Food Group’s ready meals factory in Rogerstone has announced a new partnership which plans to donate one million bespoke, targeted meals to those in need in the run-up to Christmas.

The partnership is between M&S and Fareshare, the food insecurity charity.

The meals will be made and donated from three 2 Sisters’ UK locations to Fareshare directly.

The meals have been prepared specially for this initiative and, unlike previous schemes, do not come from surplus or waste, but capitalise on under-utilised capacity in the 2 Sisters network.

At least a quarter of a million chilli con carne meals will be made at the 2 Sisters Rogerstone factory, which employs more than 1,000 people, is one of the biggest employers in the town and is one of the largest ready meals factories in Europe.

About 13 million people are facing food insecurity in the UK, a figure which has doubled in the last three years.

The Rogerstone firm has worked with M&S and Fareshare to carefully select three of their most popular, seasonal ‘Eat Well’ products, which hold the M&S “gold standard” seal of approval for health and nutrition.

The meals include the Count On Us Chilli Con Carne & Rice (390g, £4.25) and Smooth Tomato & Basil Soup (600g, £2.90), as well as, the Taste Buds Cheesy Pizza (95g, £1.60). All meals will be freshly prepared with a guarantee of four days life from the day of donation.

Ranjit Singh Boparan, founder and president of 2 Sisters Food Group, said: “Never before has helping to feed everyone in need with a nutritious meal been so important, and it’s very pleasing to see retailers, manufacturers and our suppliers coming together to help make this possible.

“This partnership has happened against a backdrop in recent years where waste and surplus efficiency gains in food manufacturing have improved beyond measure, so it’s especially gratifying for us to use under-utilised capacity in our network and work with our supplier partners so we can donate bespoke, targeted products that will benefit those that need it most.”

Steve Johnson, Rogerstone site director, said: “It’ll be a real challenge to get a substantial volume of meals through the Rogerstone factory in such a short time frame. But it’s such an excellent cause and everyone here has rallied round and gone above and beyond to make this happen.

"The chilli con carne is an excellent product, especially at this time of year, and we’re very happy these meals will go to those most in need throughout Wales and beyond.”

George Wright, CEO at FareShare, said: “We’re incredibly grateful for this support. Demand for our food has skyrocketed, and the 8,500 charities we provide food to have seen firsthand how more and more families and working people have been forced to seek help.

"Food insecurity, which currently effects one in four people, fuels both hunger and loneliness.

"The charities we support, which include homelessness shelters, afterschool clubs, and older people’s lunch clubs, will be working harder than ever this winter.

"We’re proud to be part of this partnership with M&S and 2 Sisters Food Group, helping get more food to people in need, strengthening communities across the UK.”

Alex Freudmann, managing director of M&S Food, said: “Making great quality, delicious and nutritious food is what we do at M&S Food and its hugely important to me that we make this as accessible to as many families as possible.

"So I am hugely proud that we are coming together with our supplier partners and supporting FareShare by flipping our mindset from using food that is too good to waste to innovating to use capacity that is too good to waste.”