A NEW school building is springing up fast on a development in the heart of Newport.

Anyone passing along Mendalgief Road in Pillgwenly, Newport, will be wondering what the huge metal structure is on the Royal Victoria Court development.

The metal framework is the start of the new Pillgwenlly Primary site, due for completion in 2025.

The construction is being delivered in partnership with Newport City Council’s Newport City Homes (NCH), Tirion Homes and Melin Homes.

The site, located at the junction of Cardiff Road and Mendalgief Road, is positioned behind Maesglas Retail Park and building works are being carried out on the former Corus Whitehead Steelworks site.

Royal Victoria Court aims to create more than 500 homes altogether, including 135 shared ownership properties on the 600-acre brownfield site.

Labelled one of Wales’ biggest regenerations schemes, Royal Victoria Court says it “aims to build a vibrant community” with two public open spaces, a school, shops and much more.

South Wales Argus:

Some Facebook users are saying they are worried about the lack of jobs or infrastructure in place along with the traffic congestion it may cause.

Many social media users are sad to see that the Whiteheads site, which was planned to be a replacement hospital for the Royal Gwent, being turned into housing and a few green spaces.

South Wales Argus:

One user mentioned they “should have left it as a car park for all the health care workers”.

A spokesperson for Lovell Homes and Royal Victoria Court said:

"I can confirm that there will in fact be a new primary school built on the development, and a new neighbourhood centre too".

Visiting the construction site is a risk for anyone other than authorised persons. So we took a tour of one of the show houses to give you a preview of the housing being built on the old Whiteheads Steelworks site.

Royal Victoria Court is being delivered by Lovell in partnership with Tirion Homes and with support from Welsh Government.

The development will consist of 528 properties, including 264 open market sale homes and 234 affordable homes for rent with Tirion Homes.

This will be alongside an additional 30 properties for low-cost home ownership through Melin Homes.