A MAN wanted for drug dealing in Gwent was caught 160 miles away after he was dramatically arrested by armed officers at a seaside resort in Cornwall.

Ethan Pope was found after a firearms unit swooped on the streets of Bude following a joint operation between Devon and Cornwall Police and Gwent Police.

The 21-year-old was arrested last month on Thursday, October 19 after going on the run.

Pope was locked up for three years in January 2021 after he was convicted of supplying cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine and cannabis.

Gwent Police issued a wanted man appeal for him after he returned to drug dealing following his release from custody.

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Byron Broadstock, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court how Pope was linked to the trafficking cocaine after another man was arrested in Caerphilly in April.

South Wales Argus: Ethan Pope was arrested by armed police at Flexbury Park in Bude. Picture: Meth Cat 

Mobile phone evidence implicated the defendant to organised crime.

When Pope was arrested in Bude, he was caught with 18.4g of crack cocaine which had a potential street value of nearly £2,000.

The defendant, formerly of Caerphilly, latterly of no fixed abode, Newport pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of a class A drug and possession of a class A drug with intent to supply.

South Wales Argus: Ethan Pope. Picture: Gwent Police

Kevin Seal representing Pope said his client was caught in a “vicious circle” being dragged back into serious crime because he owed money to traffickers as a result of his previous conviction.

His barrister added: “The defendant is determined to shake off his associations with the drug world and make a fresh start when he leaves prison.”

Judge David Wynn Morgan told Pope he was jailing him for 30 months.

He added: “People who involve themselves in the supply of controlled drugs, especially class A drugs, do a very grave disservice to their community.

“It’s sad that it’s people such as yourself of a young age who are used by those more sophisticated to take the risks rather than themselves.

“It is necessary for the court to demonstrate that this is what will happen to them if they take that risk.”

Pope heard he will serve 15 months in custody before being released on licence.

The judge ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the crack cocaine.