CHILDREN can escape to a land above the clouds with a new fantasy book by a Caldicot woman.

Zeeglit’s Quest, published through Austin Macauley, is the debut book by 65-year-old Susan Wilsher from Caldicot.

The book is aimed at readers aged between eight and 14, although older readers may still enjoy the work.

“As a primary school teacher, I always loved literacy lessons with children,” explained Ms Wilsher.

“I wanted to write a story for the age group I was most familiar with.

“I have been very lucky to fly a lot and have always been fascinated by how solid the clouds look from above and the variety of landscapes they provide.”

South Wales Argus:

This story is an adventure set in a land above the clouds which is inhabited by the moonless and their enemies, the thordites, as well as a range of other creatures.

Our hero is a young moonless called Zeeglit who goes on an adventure to solve a problem and comes across all sorts of challenges along the way.

South Wales Argus:

Zeeglit’s Quest is only the beginning for the teacher and writer, who is already working on a sequel which will see some of the same characters embark on a different adventure.

The author added that she is “particularly pleased” with the front cover of Zeeglit’s Quest which was created using AI by her daughter and daughter’s partner.

South Wales Argus:

“This is one of the positive outcomes of something which is getting a lot of bad press at the moment,” said Ms Wilsher.

Zeeglit’s Quest is available to order in most bookstores including Smiths, Waters, Foyles and on Amazon.