A PERVERT secretly filmed men and women urinating in public late at night in city centres.

Newport voyeur Shaun Brown, 37, recorded adults going to the toilet in Cardiff and Bristol.

The convicted paedophile also filmed two naked boys aged around five and eight getting changed after a day at the beach in the Weston-super-Mare area.

Brown, of Loftus Avenue, was jailed for 32 months in 2018 for similar matters.

Nicholas Gedge, prosecuting, told Swansea Crown Court how the defendant had committed the fresh offences whilst on licence after being released from prison.

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Brown was arrested in Bristol after he called 999 because he felt threatened by two men who might have caught him filming people.

Police officers found the defendant’s video camera and its incriminating evidence in his car after coming to his assistance.

There were 309 films of men and two of women urinating.

Some of the footage was taken in the subway under Boulevard de Nantes near Cardiff Crown Court and the Bristol Cathedral Choir School.

The boys at the beach were with their mother and father when they were filmed.

“The family seemed unaware of what was happening,” Mr Gedge said.

Brown pleaded guilty to one count of making an indecent photograph of a child and 21 counts of voyeurism.

He has also been convicted of possession of indecent images of children.

The offences took place in 2021.

The defendant had been due to be sentenced but Judge Paul Thomas KC adjourned the case to January 11 next year for a further probation report.

Brown was granted conditional bail.