A THUG threatened a shopkeeper with a glass bottle before assaulting a police community support officer (PCSO) and a security guard.

James Purnell was jailed over the shocking incident at the Premier Andy’s Convenience Store in Newport city centre last week.

Rob Simkins, prosecuting, said the attacks on Monday, November 27, were alcohol-fuelled.

They occurred at a busy time of day and when children were walking past the shop, which is opposite Newport Central police station.

Purnell had been caught stealing and broke the security guard’s glasses during the violence, Newport Magistrates' Court was told.

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The defendant admitted assaulting PCSO Jay Griffiths, assault by beating against Anthony Peters and using threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour against Sandeep Grewal with intent to cause him fear of violence.

The 41-year-old, of no fixed abode, Newport also pleaded guilty to theft and criminal damage.

Purnell was sent to prison for six months by District Judge Sophie Toms.

He has to pay £100 compensation each to PCSO Griffiths and Mr Peters following his release from custody.