A THUG who left his friend unconscious in the road at a roundabout after punching, kicking and stamping on his head has been jailed.

Jordan Williams had been drinking heavily and taken ketamine before launching the shocking attack on his victim in Tredegar at around 4am in the morning.

To add insult to his terrible injuries, he humiliated the man by pulling his trousers and pants down to leave him naked from the waist down.

It wasn’t clear what triggered the sustained assault which lasted around five minutes.

Newport Crown Court heard how Williams may have been angry after just being refused service at the Gulf petrol station in the Sirhowy area of Tredegar.

He had also been demanding money from his friend after "losing self-control".

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Matthew Cobbe, prosecuting, said witnesses heard the victim screaming and two brave members of the public went to his aid and tried to stop the horrific violence.

Williams threatened one, a woman, and punched the other, a male lorry driver.

Dashcam footage from the HGV driver’s vehicle captured some of the assault and was played in court.

In a victim impact statement the complainant said: “Doctors told me that one more blow would have probably killed me.”

He woke up in agonising pain in the A&E department at Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil.

The victim was treated for multiple injuries which included a bleed on the brain and a fractured eye socket.

He has been left with persistent headaches and blurred vision.

The man said: “I find it really hard to trust people now because this was done to me by a friend and I think if he could do this to me then anyone can.”

Williams, 27, of Thomas Ellis Way, Tredegar pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent and assault by beating.

The offences took place on Wednesday, April 19.

He has previous convictions for violence, including assault occasioning actual bodily harm and battery.

Stephen Thomas representing Williams said his client was full of remorse for what had happened.

Judge Carl Harrison told the defendant: “This was a vicious attack.

“You also pulled his trousers and pants down, he was naked from the waist down.

“This was gratuitous degradation of your victim.

“You also left him unconscious on a dangerous position on a roundabout.”

Williams was jailed for five years and told he would serve two-thirds of that sentence in prison before being released on licence.

The defendant was also made the subject of an indefinite restraining order not to contact his victim.