A MOTHER has described the struggles of putting on a brave face every day as she tries to live on after the death of her son, who died in a head-on collision.

Screwfix manager Mandy Pope, 55, was described as “frustrated” and “impatient” as she made her way to work on the fateful morning of November 23, 2021.

In her attempts to overtake an HGV on the A4226 just northwest of Barry, she slammed head-on into Jordan Talbot’s motorcycle, killing him at the scene.

On the day of sentencing, an emotional impact statement was read out on behalf of Mr Talbot’s mother who described in detail how hard everyday life has become after the tragedy.

She wrote: “Where do I even start? To try put into words how I feel is impossible.

“Could you imagine losing your child and having to wake up every day and put on a brave face for everyone to see? What I really want to do is curl up in a ball and hide away from the world.

“I have to pretend to my boys and the world that I am coping because I do not want the pity. I do not want to become the sad woman whose child died."

Mr Talbot’s mother also described the harrowing impact the crash has had on the rest of the family, including Mr Talbot's younger brothers Ty, 17, and Mason, just six.

“Jordan and Mason adored each other," she said. "Jordan was like a dad to him, tickling him and winding him up. Laughter filled the house.”

On Ty, she said: “I am so worried the impact losing Jordan will have on him.

“(Once,) Mason asked Ty, does Ty miss Jordan as much as him? Ty responded by shouting at him. I know Ty is not showing his emotions now, but at some point he will have to let them out. I will be there for him when that happens.”

South Wales Argus: The crash happened on the A4226 (red box) on the morning of November 23, 2021The crash happened on the A4226 (red box) on the morning of November 23, 2021 (Image: Google Maps)

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Despite suffering PTSD and it being accepted Pope was genuinely remorseful for what happened, Mr Talbot’s mother finished with a message for her son’s killer.

“We are all left to live with the horrendous actions you took.

“You stole (Jordan’s) future and left me with only his ashes. How is that fair? Where is the justice in that?

“You killed my son. I hope this haunts you the rest of your life.”

South Wales Argus: Pope was attempting to overtake a lorry as she crashed head-on into 21-year-old TalbotPope was attempting to overtake a lorry as she crashed head-on into 21-year-old Talbot (Image: SWP)

Pope, of Harding Close, Boverton, pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving at Cardiff Crown Court on November 21, 2023.

She was sentenced at the court on January 5 where she was sent to prison for three years, four months.

Pope will also serve a five-year, eight month driving ban.