A TALENTED young footballer was dealing drugs and buying designer gear with the profits he was making from crime.

Jay Stapleton, 20, from Newport was arrested after police went to the home he shared with his mother on an “unrelated matter”.

Officers found cocaine and cannabis there with a potential street value of around £5,000, Nik Strobl, prosecuting, said.

They also discovered “luxury goods” which included designer clothes and trainers during their search in September 2022.

At the time of his crime the defendant was claiming benefits, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

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Stapleton, of Moorland Park, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with intent to supply, possession of cannabis with intent to supply and possession of criminal property.

He had no previous convictions.

Kirsten Murphy representing Stapleton asked the court to take into account the long delay in the case with the offences happening when the defendant was only 18.

“His football career had not taken off as he had hoped,” his barrister said.

“He began partying where drugs played a prominent role.

“The defendant’s use of cocaine and cannabis spiralled out of control.

“He is embarrassed and ashamed of his offending and the impact it has brought on his family.”

His lawyer added that Stapleton was just beginning an electrical engineer apprenticeship.

“The defendant was just 18 at the time,” she stressed.

“He was naïve and immature and there was a lack of common sense.

“His references say he is a kind, polite, honest and hardworking young man.”

The judge Recorder Neil Owen-Casey told Stapleton: “You had an operational function in the chain and you played a significant role.

“You were selling directly to users and money was the driver here.”

He said he was prepared to suspend the defendant’s custodial sentence because there was a “realistic prospect of rehabilitation”.

Stapleton was sent to a young offender institution for two years but that term was suspended for two years.

He must carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.