A WOMAN revealed how she feared she was going to die during a brutal assault at the hands of her ex-boyfriend.

Jealous thug James Walker from Pontypool strangled, punched and kicked her in two shocking attacks, one of which was fuelled by alcohol.

The 49-year-old had only just been given a suspended prison sentence for battery against her when he carried out the first offence 11 days later.

Cardiff Crown Court heard that was on Friday, June 30 last year.

Emma Harris, prosecuting, said: “The defendant had been drinking and was in a state of intoxication.

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“He became violent towards the victim and was making allegations against her in terms of her fidelity before he started squeezing her throat.”

Less than a week later on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 he assaulted her again.

“The defendant accused her of throwing herself at men,” Miss Harris told the court.

“He punched her to the head and face and kicked her.

“She believed he was going to kill her.”

Walker, of South Avenue, Sebastopol, pleaded guilty to intentional strangulation and assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) on the day of his trial.

He has 10 previous convictions for 17 offences.

They included another ABH as well as harassment and using threatening words and behaviour.

Sol Hartley representing Walker said: “The defendant accepts his wrongdoing and he has taken meaningful steps away from alcohol.

“He has turned a corner, he is remorseful and he is making progress towards a better future.”

Judge Eugene Egan told Walker: “On June 30, 2023 you drank alcohol, you pushed the victim onto a bed and you strangled her until she lost consciousness.

“This was an extremely serious assault on a woman, your ex-partner and it's aggravated by the fact that this is a domestic violence case.

“She was a vulnerable victim in my view.

You were on a suspended sentence order at the time.”

Walker was jailed for 31 months and must not contact his ex-girlfriend for 10 years after the judge imposed a restraining order.