A CRIMINAL who was locked up after being caught in a car stolen from an A&E doctor at a hospital has been jailed again.

Morgan Hanford, 31, has spent the last seven years in and out of custody for drugs and driving offences.

The defendant, formerly of Newport, was sent to prison in 2021 after he was arrested for speeding in a BMW stolen from the Royal Gwent Hospital.

He was sentenced on that occasion for a variety of driving matters and for possession with intent to supply both heroin and crack cocaine.

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Hanford was jailed in 2017 for a number of driving offences committed in Newport.

The defendant was before Cardiff Crown Court this week after he was caught dealing class A drugs for a second time.

Hanford, now living in Cwmbran, was convicted of being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine in the town last year.

He has been jailed for 45 months.

The defendant, of Commercial Street, Pontnewydd, was also ordered to pay a £228 victim surcharge within three months of his release from prison.

The court also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs, all paraphernalia and the mobile phone seized from him.