A LEARNER driver who has been sticking two fingers up to the law for more than 20 years has been jailed.

Despite never having passed his test, Conway Lee has racked up a shocking record of motoring offences which began in 2003 for dangerous driving when he was just 15 years old.

His latest violation happened in Caerphilly in the Pontypandy area near the Crossways Brewers Fayre pub when he was spotted driving while disqualified by Gwent Police.

Kathryn Lane, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court that instead of accepting his fate he ignored the marked police car’s blue flashing lights last March.

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She said: “Instead of stopping, the defendant drove off at speed towards standstill traffic.

“As the defendant's vehicle approached the traffic, he crossed onto the opposite side of the road.

“He passed through a red light before turning into an industrial estate.

“The manoeuvre caused vehicles at the junction to have to stop in an emergency situation to avoid any collision.”

Officers found Lee’s abandoned Vauxhall Astra car shortly after with the defendant nowhere in sight.

He was later arrested and charged but failed to turn up for his trial last October which went ahead in his absence.

That trial collapsed however when a police officer revealed inadmissible evidence in front of the jury.

The re-trial was then listed for November 23, 2023 but the defendant entered guilty pleas before it started after he was found and arrested.

Lee, 35, of Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff admitted dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, driving with no insurance and failing to surrender.

Miss Lane revealed that the defendant had 13 previous convictions for 37 offences.

As well as multiple dangerous driving and driving while disqualified matters, they also included taking a vehicle without consent, failing to stop and careless driving.

The defendant’s barrister Rose Glanville said her client was a builder and labourer who had experienced “childhood traumas” and the recent death of his mother in Manchester.

She urged the court to spare him an immediate custodial term because there was a “realistic prospect of rehabilitation”.

The judge, Recorder Bruce Gardiner, told Lee: “I consider you do present a danger to the public by choosing to drive cars on public roads in a dangerous manner even though you've not passed your driving test.

“You do have a history of failure to comply with court orders and in particular disqualification.”

He was jailed for 11 months and banned from driving for 18 months following his release from prison.

Lee will have to sit an extended test if ever wants to get a full driving licence.

The defendant will also have to pay a £187 victim surcharge.