A YOUNG thug punched and kicked a witness due to give evidence against him who was called a “snitch” during the brutal attack.

Marzin Moshen, 20, from Newport assaulted Khalid Akbar in the city after waiting outside the victim’s home.

He was joined in the violence by co-defendant Gerard Hallinan, also aged 20.

Abigail Jackson, prosecuting, told the city's crown court how Mr Akbar had made a complaint about Moshen in an unrelated case.

The defendant had been arrested and released on police bail on condition he did not contact the complainant or go near his address.

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On May 3 last year Moshen and Hallinan confronted Mr Akbar when he went to pick up a takeaway.

Miss Jackson said: “Marzin Moshen asked the complainant, ‘We’re quits now?’

“Mr Akbar told him he was going to call the police.

“As he turned from them he received a blow to his face which he says was with some kind of weapon which knocked his glasses off.

“When he went to pick up his glasses he was punched and kicked and this didn’t stop even when he was on the floor.

“He was told, ‘You are going to go to court and be a snitch are you?’

“The assault continued and Mr Akbar described fearing for his life.”

The police were called and both defendants arrested shortly after.

The victim was taken to the Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran where he was treated for eight broken ribs and a cut to his forehead.

The court heard Mr Akbar "wasn't cowed" and still gave evidence in court.

Moshen, of Alexandra Road, pleaded guilty to wounding and witness intimidation.

Hallinan, of no fixed abode, Newport also admitted wounding.

Moshen has previous convictions for robbery, violent disorder and dangerous driving.

Hilary Roberts, mitigating for Hallinan, said his client had no previous convictions.

His barrister added that his client had already served the equivalent of an 18-month sentence at a young offender institution after being remanded in custody for the last nine months.

Joshua Scouller for Moshen said he had a mental disorder and a learning disability but there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation in his case.

The judge, Recorder David Elias KC, locked up Moshen for 21 months.

Hallinan was sentenced to a 12-month community order and must complete a 12-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

The defendants will also each have to pay a victim surcharge.