AN Uber Eats delivery man was attacked by thugs outside McDonald’s in Newport city centre when they tried to rob him of his e-bike.

Joshua Williams, 21, and “another male” set upon Ahmed Jubed as he was picking up an order from McDonald’s on High Street.

Tabitha Walker, prosecuting said they had initially bothered the victim by taking his hat off his head just after 6pm on Thursday, December 7 last year.

She told Cardiff Crown Court: “The defendant then punched him to the right side of his face twice before missing with a third punch.

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“The other male tried to take the bike.”

The police were called and Williams was arrested shortly after on Cambrian Road.

He claimed he had been the victim and was acting in self-defence.

The complainant was taken to A&E where he was treated for a bloodied nose and a cut bottom lip.

In a victim impact statement, Mr Jubed said: “I provide for my family and I really enjoyed my job but that all changed when picking up that delivery at McDonald’s.

“I was petrified I was going to get seriously hurt.

“My mouth felt so painful and I was so scared and upset.

“I don’t think I can go back to my job now.”

The defendant, of Stamford Court, Newport pleaded guilty to attempted robbery.

Williams also admitted being in breach of a community order imposed last year for a robbery he committed in Cwmbran in 2022.

Hilary Roberts representing Williams said his client had a learning disability.

He told the court: “He acts recklessly, impulsively and without thinking.

“There was no plan to commit a robbery, it started off with boys behaving yobbishly.”

The judge, Recorder Greg Bull KC, said to Williams: “What started off as horseplay with you joshing Mr Jubed turned into an attempt to steal his bike and you injuring him after you threw punches.

“You have affected the quality of his life.”

The defendant was jailed for two years for the attempted robbery and 12 months consecutively for being in breach of the community order.

The total prison sentence was three years.