OVER the past week we've been featuring dozens upon dozens of pictures of your beloved pets which you sent in to mark last week's Love Your Pet Day.

We featured them all in a special supplement in the Argus last week, but there were so many we couldn't contain them, all one round-up.

And now at last we present the seventh and final set of pictures of your beloved pets.

To see the other galleries see below:

South Wales Argus: Niccie Tyler shared this picture of Jenny

Niccie Tyler shared this picture of Jenny

South Wales Argus: Rhiannon Inight shared this picture of Dex and Rocky

Rhiannon Inight shared this picture of Dex and Rocky

South Wales Argus: Andrew Rees shared this picture of Dylan

Andrew Rees shared this picture of Dylan

South Wales Argus: Chloe Wells shared this picture of Ozzie

Chloe Wells shared this picture of Ozzie

South Wales Argus: Becky Podmore shared this picture of Crunchy

Becky Podmore shared this picture of Crunchy

South Wales Argus: Ann Carol shared this picture of Gypsy, Maesi-Mai and Bobbi

Ann Carol shared this picture of Gypsy, Maesi-Mai and Bobbi

South Wales Argus: Tia Sandvik sent in this picture of Juniper

Tia Sandvik sent in this picture of Juniper

South Wales Argus: Tammy Louise Mountain shared this picture of Oscar

Tammy Louise Mountain shared this picture of Oscar

South Wales Argus: Jo Lou sent in this picture of Ash

Jo Lou sent in this picture of Ash