A BASEBALL bat, golf club and metal bar were used during a “disgraceful” street fight on a sunny afternoon in a busy residential street.

Children ran away screaming in terror as Evan Hackney and his friend Jordan Pole clashed with Mitchell Dyke on Diamond Close in the Energlyn area of Caerphilly.

Prosecutor Nuhu Gobir played CCTV and doorbell footage at Newport Crown Court which captured some of the mayhem.

The violence left Dyke covered in blood as he fought the two defendants and another man, who was not charged with any offence.

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Dyke was accused of affray after he threw a golf club back which had been hurled at him.

The violence was triggered by Hackney going to confront Dyke over a dispute between the two men's mothers.

South Wales Argus: Evan Hackney

“The crown say that Mr Hackney was the prime mover in this whole incident,” Mr Gobir told the court.

Hackney, 20, of Heol Aneurin, Penyrheol, Caerphilly, and Pole, 23, of Heol Maerdy, Mornington Meadows, Caerphilly, both admitted affray and possession of an offensive weapon in public.

Dyke, 27, of Diamond Close, Energlyn, Caerphilly pleaded guilty to affray.

The incident unfolded just after 4pm on Friday, September 2, 2022.

Mr Gobir said Hackney was handed a suspended custodial sentence for a domestic violence assault on a woman last year which was committed after these offences.

“There has been a significant delay in this case and he has stayed out of trouble since February 2023,” Hackney’s barrister Hilary Roberts said.

“He’s fringing on mental health difficulties and he’s trying to deal with his drug misuse.”

Abigail Jackson for Pole said: “It wasn’t his fight at the outset but he encountered his friend and stupidly involved himself in an altercation between others.

“There were initial steps taken by him to defuse the situation.”

Jeffrey Jones representing Dyke told the court: “The defendant was the victim and he was injured.

“He simply threw back a golf club that had been thrown in his direction.”

Judge Eugene Egan told the defendants: “This was an utterly disgraceful scene of public disorder on a residential street on a sunny afternoon involving the use of weapons.

“It was witnessed by children who ran away screaming.”

Hackney was sent to a young offender institution for 10 months and Dyke jailed for 18 weeks.

Pole was jailed for nine months but that was suspended for 21 months.

He must carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay £600 costs.