A MAN started up his own drugs line after his dealers were arrested.

Jonathan Lerry supplied cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis for eight months before his criminal enterprise was shut down by police.

Nuhu Gobir, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court the defendant was using his father’s mobile phone as a drugs line.

When he was arrested in March 2022, Lerry gave a no comment interview to police.

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But Lerry, a father from Caerphilly, later accepted his guilt.

The 39-year-old admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine, being concerned in the supply of amphetamine and being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

Lerry, of Bryn Rhedyn, Mornington Meadows, had three previous convictions for three offences but none of a similar nature.

Andrew Davies, representing him, asked the court to take into account his client’s guilty pleas and the two-year delay.

Judge Eugene Egan told the defendant: “You had a drug addiction and you used a phone registered to your father to sell drugs.”

He added: “Mitigation is significant and substantial in your case.

“You have no relevant previous convictions.

“There's an extremely helpful pre-sentence report and I take into account your brittle mental health.”

Lerry was jailed for 24 months but that sentence was suspended for 24 months after Judge Egan told him there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

He will have to complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

The court heard he was unfit for unpaid work.

Lerry was fined £750 which he must pay within 28 days or face 28 days in jail in default.

He will also have to pay a victim surcharge.