Welsh drinkers lead the UK in the consumption of low and no alcohol products, according to The Portman Group.

Its sixth annual survey, in association with YouGov, indicates that 40 per cent of Welsh drinkers also semi-regularly drink low and no-alcohol alternatives, up from 19 per cent in 2022.

This places Wales ahead of Scotland and England, where usage among adult drinkers sits at 38 and 34 per cent respectively.

The study also uncovered an 81 per cent rise in semi-regular use of these alternatives among Wales' alcohol drinkers since 2020.

CEO of the Portman Group, Matt Lambert said: "It is welcome to see a rise in the popularity of low and no alcohol alternatives in Wales as well as further evidence of how they are an important tool to help drinkers, particularly younger adults, to moderate and drink responsibly.

The report also notes that 23 per cent of Welsh drinkers report cutting back on weekly alcohol thanks to these alternatives.