A new fitness class in Blaenavon, aimed at mothers and daughters, has helped a local woman overcome severe back and leg pain.

Michelle Redman, 40, began attending the class just over a year ago with her ten-year-old daughter Ellie.

The class, which offers multiple exercise forms such as spin and Pilates, helped to rectify issues she was having with sciatica.

She said: "Before I started the sessions, I suffered a great deal with sciatica but being able to build strength and with the correct exercise, this problem has thankfully disappeared."

The class forms part of a wider health initiative in Gwent to improve healthy life expectancy rates, as a Gwent Public Service Board report revealed women in Torfaen enjoy only 55 years of good health, compared to the men's 61 years.

The unique fitness sessions were developed by Torfaen Council’s Sports Development team and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, and run every Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm.

With growing popularity, another class is now available at Cwmbran Stadium from 6pm to 7pm on the same day.

Councillor Richard Clark said: "This is a great example of how we are working with our partners to address the health inequalities in our area and empower our residents to take charge of their own wellbeing."