Here are more babies recently born in Gwent.

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South Wales Argus: Kohen-Lee Gilbert Price was born on February 12, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 12oz. His parents are Cerys Thomas and Jack Price, of Newport, and his big brother is Kaiden John Gilbert-Price, three.Kohen-Lee Gilbert Price was born on February 12, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 12oz. His parents are Cerys Thomas and Jack Price, of Newport, and his big brother is Kaiden John Gilbert-Price, three.

South Wales Argus: Orlaith Grace Graham-Enticknap was born on January 24, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 6lb 15oz. She is the first child of Emelia Graham and Sean Enticknap, of Newport, and makes it five generations of females in herOrlaith Grace Graham-Enticknap was born on January 24, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 6lb 15oz. She is the first child of Emelia Graham and Sean Enticknap, of Newport, and makes it five generations of females in her family.

South Wales Argus: Hudson Marshall was born at 33 weeks on St David's Day, March 1, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb. His mum is Jessica Marshall, of Newport, and his siblings are Lily-mae, eight, and Evelyn, five.Hudson Marshall was born at 33 weeks on St David's Day, March 1, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb. His mum is Jessica Marshall, of Newport, and his siblings are Lily-mae, eight, and Evelyn, five.