A University of South Wales student is the first ever winner of an occupational safety and health competition.

Justin Ozioma Amanze, originally from Nigeria, claimed the winner's certificate and £500 prize in the inaugural Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Student Competition.

The competition, organised by the international body, tested contestants' technical knowledge and communication skills on workplace safety.

The contest scenario focused on a construction company's ambitions to introduce wearable technology for monitoring workers' biometric data.

Justin dedicated his win to those advocating the highest standards in occupational safety and health. He said: "I look forward to continuing our collective efforts to create a safer and healthier workplace environment worldwide."

USW course leader Trevor Price said: "We are delighted that Justin has been honoured as the first winner of the IOSH Student Member Competition.

"Justin is an inspiration to his peers."

IOSH president Stuart Hughes added: "This was an incredible opportunity for students to showcase their skills and tackle a real-world occupational safety and health challenge."