Many congratulations to our new Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd, who was elected this month.

Speaking with Jane, her down-to-earth decency shines through.

It’s clear that she has a huge commitment to justice and fairness, and to delivering for all the people of Gwent. I’m confident that she’ll be a strong, experienced and effective voice for our communities.

Elsewhere in Britain, people went to the polls for mayoral and local elections.

Labour won many contests and took control of councils we’ve never held before, in places like Rushmoor.

The people of London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and beyond chose hope over Tory division. It was a pleasure to get the chance to campaign alongside so many candidates committed to delivering for their communities.

Thank you to everyone who put their trust in Labour. It’s clear from those results and from the truly seismic 26 per cent swing to Labour in the by-election in Blackpool that people are sick and tired of this government.

It’s time for Rishi Sunak to call a general election and give the British public the chance to vote for the change they deserve.

On a more sombre note, I was sad to learn of the death recently of Cwmbran legend Reg Hann.

Reg was one of the pioneers of Cwmbran New Town. He was responsible for the popular Boating Lake, which I for one think should be re-named in his honour. I will certainly always think of Reg when I’m walking around the lake.

Even before Reg’s career as a civil engineer and surveyor, Reg was a hero. He served in the Royal Navy and took part in the D-Day landings, helping liberate France and defeat the Nazis.

It was an honour to join Reg recently as he celebrated turning 100, surrounded by family and friends.

He had a long and remarkable life that was defined by service to others. He will be missed and remembered by so many people in Torfaen.

Talking of local heroes, a huge well done to Torfaen’s Jak Jones on his stunning performances during the snooker World Championships at the Crucible. To go all the way from qualifying to the final was a tremendous achievement, and he battled all the way with such skill and resilience. Jak should be proud of what he’s done, as should all at Redz and everyone who’s supported Jak along the way. Good luck for the future Jak.