Here at the Argus, we love good pubs, and we want to tell you about all the best ones in Newport and across Gwent. In the latest in our series, we visit the Carpenters on the High Street in Newport. Kasey Rees reports.

The Carpenters on Newport High Street is one of Newport's oldest pubs dating back to the 15th century.

It was established by carpenters in 1403 and has been sitting at the top of the High Street for 625 years and even has its original prison cells where criminals were held before appearing in Monmouthshire’s County Court.

The establishment is now run by JW Bassett Pubs who also run their sister pub the Pen and Wig on Stow Hill and it has just re-opened following a refurbishment.

South Wales Argus: The carpenters has an extensive range of alcoholic products. Picture: JW Bassett PubsThe carpenters has an extensive range of alcoholic products. Picture: JW Bassett Pubs (Image: JW Bassett pubs)We spoke to general manager Kieran King who has been running the pub for 14 years, since 2010.

He said: “I have been running the pub for the past fourteen years and have seen the changes in Newport.

“When I first started the city was quiet with most buildings closed and boarded up, but now it's completely different and full of life. Newport is certainly on the up now which is nice to see.”

The pub was recently refurbished with the bar length reduced from 15 metres to 7 metres to accommodate more furniture.

They have also added 28 new draught products, with the investment matching its sister pub at The Pen and Wig.

South Wales Argus: Carpenters Arms serves light bites such as burgers and wings from its sister pub Pen and Wig. Picture: JW Bassett PubsCarpenters Arms serves light bites such as burgers and wings from its sister pub Pen and Wig. Picture: JW Bassett Pubs (Image: JW Bassett pubs)Mr King told the South Wales Argus that the pub works with its sister pub to serve burgers and wings in takeaway boxes to regulars at the Carpenters.

He added: “We don’t sell food on-site; we have the Pen and Wig, and we have a concise menu where you can order food from there and it will be brought up in a takeaway box.

“In the evenings is good as people eat food to keep them energetic and sober enough so they can enjoy the rest of the night.”

The most popular drinks include Carling, Strongbow and John Smiths, there are also cask ales to choose from.