The lack of opportunities for young people across Gwent is a focus for the new High Sheriff of Gwent.

Newly appointed, Her Honour Helen Mifflin DL expressed concern about poverty of opportunity impacting young people during her declaration ceremony on April 11.

The ceremony at Newbridge Memo was attended by Brigadier Robert Aitken, Lord-Lieutenant of Gwent, leading county figures, and more than 20 serving judges.

The High Sheriff's predecessor, Professor Simon Gibson CBE DL, handed over ceremony duties to her at the event.

An emotional performance was given by young opera singer Chelsie Robinson.

Attendees also heard an informative talk from Kevin Phillips of Cymru Creations.

South Wales Argus: Helen Mifflin was joined by more than 20 judges at her ceremonyHelen Mifflin was joined by more than 20 judges at her ceremony (Image: Paul Hartley-Davies)

He discussed the significant financial contributions the High Sheriff's Community Fund has provided to his organisation.

The High Sheriff said: "As High Sheriff I intend to do what I can to help improve the prospects of those young people most in need of it but also to advocate on behalf of all children and young people."

She highlighted the broader definition of poverty, which includes lack of health and education services, and proposed a mentoring initiative.

She further stated: "The theme of my year as High Sheriff is to try to promote opportunities for impoverished children in Gwent.

"The tag line being poverty of opportunity.

"I know that our children have real potential, but many simply do not understand what to do and how to make that happen.

"Therefore, mentoring of young people and identification of relatable role models are important parts of support.

"My priority therefore is to seek out a way to achieve mentoring and peer to peer support for those young people who might welcome it."

She underlined the importance of the High Sheriff role, not just in ceremonial duties, but in showcasing the work of those in the voluntary sector.

The role is the oldest secular position in the UK, second only to the Crown.

During the High Sheriff's tenure, the Under Sheriff of Gwent, Natalie Sandercock, her executive assistant, Jade Cox, and the chaplain to the High Sheriff, Katie McColgan will support her.