A CARELESS DRIVER was caught on dashcam footage driving without due care and attention last year. 

In footage shared on Gwent Police's social media, a driver can clearly be seen overtaking two cars causing a near miss situation with oncoming traffic after failing to see the traffic island up ahead. 

The footage was submitted by a member of the public as part of the police's Operation SNAP, a streamlined process for the public to submit video and photographic evidence relating to driving offences that they have witnessed. 

According to the police, the case went straight to court after the driver was identified due to the footage, and "due to standards of their driving" they were convicted of driving without due care and attention and driving without an appropriate licence.

The driver also received a number of fines totalling £1,014  and eight penalty points on their licence. 

Members of the public are reminded that they can continue to submit footage of any driving offences they witness through the Operation SNAP portal here