A POPULAR pub has confirmed it will be launching a series of special weekly children's events from this week. 

The Muffler pub in Maesglas, Newport has confirmed it will be starting the Music N Munch event from Thursday, May 16, after some delays had stopped them from launching last week. 

Posting on their official social media page on Facebook on Tuesday, May 7, the team wrote: "Hey guys! Following a soft opening of our kitchen for Bank Holiday, we are afraid to say that we run into a few little hiccups that means we are having to delay our Music N Munch and Sunday roasts by another week!

"We are certain that these small issues will be ironed out and no more delays will be caused.

"We know a lot of you were looking forward to these but rest assured next week our launch dates will commence without fail. Thank you for your patience."

The team later confirmed on Friday, May 10  that the events would be launching as planned on Thursday, May 16 and Sunday, May 19 respectively. 

The Music N Munch events are set to return this Thursday as an event to help keep the children entertained. 

The official launch was confirmed in a post shared to their Facebook page on Tuesday morning, along with the confirmation of a new event, also aimed at kids, known as 'Move and Munch'. 

The team wrote: "Don’t forget we are back Thursday with music and munch with DJ Dave making a comeback.

"Coming soon MOVE & MUNCH with Lennon Greggins a qualified Personal Trainer and professional rugby player. Let’s keep the kids fit and fed at the same time."

It seems both the children's events and Sunday roasts are highly anticipated by customers across Newport, with one commenting under a post detailing the roast menus: "There goes my diet."

The Muffler can be contacted for further details on 01633 662173 or  bookings@themuffler.co.uk.