Around 11,000 more construction workers are needed in Wales to ensure demand according to new research.

The Construction Industry Training Board's (CITB) annual forecast uncovered the necessity as a response to Wales' construction output predicted to rise by 1.2 per cent per annum until 2028.

Increasing demand will particularly feed into repair and maintenance tasks, as well as new projects surrounding public and private housing.

Although every year approximately 200,000 new workers are welcomed within the UK construction industry, in 2023, there was an average of 38,000 job adverts every month.

Fulfilling these offers remains a large stumbling block for almost one-third of construction employers, the CITB report notes.

The CITB highlights the importance of effective recruitment and consistent skilling-up of the workforce to both offset those leaving the industry and to plan ahead.

In response to these challenges, CITB has invested £267m into aiding the sector to bolster its diversity, quality, and productivity.

CITB Wales engagement director, Julia Stevens said: "Construction is an essential sector for our regional and national economic prosperity.

"We anticipate continued industry growth in Wales, but we need to meet demand with more people in the workforce with the right skills."

She emphasised the necessity of a "skilled, competent and diverse workforce that is able to meet current and future needs."

Referencing the recently approved Awel y Môr wind farm, ambitious roadworks, and Cardiff Council's £360m Embankment project, she concluded: "We are committed to ensuring that the skills system is fit for purpose to deliver on the great opportunities across Wales."