Newport has been named as the second most popular place for Brunch in Wales.

This follows a huge 100 per cent rise in brunch searches from 2021 to 2023, only surpassed by Cardiff's surge of 129 per cent, according to The Cut & Craft.

The popularity of this trend showed no signs of slowing down across the UK, with Scotland experiencing a 124 per cent growth, England a 123 per cent increase, and, not far behind, Northern Ireland at 116 per cent.

However, Wales was fourth, expanding at a slower pace with a rise of 85 per cent.

Oscar Akgul, managing director of The Cut & Craft, said: "It is absolutely incredible to see these amazing rises in searches for brunch across the UK.

"Brunch is a meal that can be enjoyed by anyone whether that is in the late morning with your family or a bottomless brunch with your friends.

"Not only is it fantastic to see a wide range of UK cities have such a high increase in searches for brunch, but it also shows that this meal trend is not slowing down anytime soon."