A MAN was caught with 204 bestiality images with most of them showing women having sex with dogs and horses.

Retail worker Martyn Rowlands, 48, from Abergavenny was arrested when police turned up at where he was employed.

Bethan Evans, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court that the defendant had tried to hide an incriminating mobile phone in a colleague’s bag.

But the police soon found it when they rang his number.

Rowlands, of Dan-Y-Deri, admitted possessing extreme pornography with the offence taking place on August 8, 2022.

He has seven previous convictions for 10 offences but none that were relevant and with the last being committed back in 2000.

Dan Jones for Rowlands said: “The defendant has led a largely blameless life for the last 24 years.

“He was a hard-working man, working broadly consistently during that time in various jobs apart from the odd period of unemployment because of his mental health issues.

“The defendant had just started a new job in retail and he was arrested by the police at his work address.

“Another consequence is that he’s lost this job and hasn't been back to work since.”

His barrister added: “These offences have had a significant impact on his social life, given the stigma that they rightly attract within the community.

“He hasn't been out of the house to socialise since August 2022 and that was on his own.

“The defendant hasn't been out with any of his friends since then.

“These proceedings have gone on for some time and there's been a delay that's not been entirely his fault.

“There's been no offending in that period.”

Mr Jones asked Judge Carl Harrsion to give his client the appropriate credit for his guilty plea.

Rowlands was sentenced to a three-year community order.

He must carry out 80 hours of unpaid work, complete a 40-day rehabilitation activity requirement and attend 23 sessions of an accredited sex offender programme.

The defendant was made the subject of a five-year sexual harm prevention order and has to pay £420 costs and a £190 victim surcharge.