A POPULAR pharmacy in Newport is set to become an independent business in a few weeks. 

Wells Pharmacy, who currently have nine branches across Newport, is set to reduce their number of pharmacies in the city to eight within a matter of weeks. 

The branch at 175 Caerleon Road is currently undergoing a change of ownership, and will soon become an independent pharmacy. 

It is currently unknown why this change of ownership is happening. 

According to Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, who oversee all pharmacies across Gwent, the new owner has confirmed that the repeat dispensing service offered by Wells will be continued by the new independent company.

Other required services from NHS Wales, such as the Common Ailments Scheme, will also remain in place. 

A spokesperson for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board said: “We can confirm that Wells Pharmacy, 175 Caerleon Road, Newport is currently undergoing a change of ownership, with a new independent pharmacist taking over the running from Wells Pharmacy in the next few weeks.

“The new owner has confirmed that a repeat dispensing service will continue.

“Other services that pharmacies are contracted to provide by NHS Wales on behalf of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board will also continue, such as the Common Aliments Scheme, emergency medicine supply, contraception service, seasonal influenza vaccines.”

The official closing date of this branch of Wells Pharmacy in Newport is yet to be confirmed, with the opening date for the independent pharmacy also not yet confirmed. 

However, the concerns raised by some residents of the area about the services that the new ownership will be offering should be allayed by the official confirmation of the change of ownership from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. 

The current opening hours for the pharmacy on Caerleon Road are Monday to Wednesday and Friday 9am to 6pm, Thursday 9am to 5.30pm and closed on weekends. 

Wells Pharmacy have been approached for comment.