A PARENT of a pupil at a high school in Newport has said the school are “not doing anything” to stop constant instances of bullying happening.

Kay Edwards says she has reported numerous incidents of bullying against her son to the school over the last nine months, but that the school has not acted on her reports.

According to Ms Edwards, her son has been dealing with consistent actions of bullying which began shortly after he joined the school in September.

She said: “This has been ongoing since he started school. Firstly, it was calling him names, and it has recently increased to becoming physical.

“This includes pushing him over and kicking him back down when he tries to get up. The bullies are always older children.”

For her son, who she did not wish to be named, the bullying has resulted in “emotional and psychological damage”.

She added: “I have been up to the school about this more times than I can count, only to be told an internal investigation will be taking place.”

Lilswerry High School and Newport City Council issued a joint statement to the Argus saying all allegations of bullying are taken very seriously and the school acted immediately. 

Cheryl Pritchard, the child’s grandmother, explained that her grandson is becoming “very frustrated” which she says is unlike him as a very quiet child.

She said: “He doesn’t ever want to talk about it, but it’s been going on for months and we seem to be going round in circles.

“The school don’t seem to do anything about it, and it looks really bad for the school. The most frustrating thing is that we know other children have been suspended for much less than this ongoing bullying.

“It seems like its one rule for some, and another rule for others."

The Argus has since read the school's anti-bullying policy documents, which do not appear to have been updated since April 2015. 

Both Ms Edwards and Ms Pritchard have tried to speak with the school on numerous occasions with no luck or responses, and have called the anti-bullying policy "outdated". 

Ms Pritchard said: “It’s not right that it’s come to this, but it’s not fair on him. We’ve been left with no choice as the school aren’t engaging with us – not answering emails or phone calls and just telling us an investigation is ongoing every time we call in.”

The family were allegedly told that steps had been put in place to keep the child safe on school grounds after reporting the most recent bullying incident just two weeks ago.

This included keeping him in a separate room during break times, only for Ms Edwards to get a call that afternoon that her son needed hospital after being kicked down the stairs.

She was unable to get an answer for what had happened, and was simply told the CCTV would be reviewed, and says she has not had any contact from the school since then. 

Lilswerry High School and Newport City Council issued a joint statement to the Argus, that says all allegations of bullying are taken very seriously.

A spokesperson for Newport City Council said: “Following a recent distressing incident, Lliswerry High School acted immediately.

“The parents of the injured child have been informed that the school is recommending to the governors that a pupil is given the most serious disciplinary sanction available to it.

“All allegations of inappropriate pupil behaviour are taken extremely seriously, and any action taken is in line with relevant policies and guidelines.”