IF YOU love anything to do with the otherworldly, this event could be perfect for you. 

A specialist conference for everything paranormal and spiritual is returning to Newport for its sixth year this summer. 

The UFO, Paranormal and Spiritual Conference will be held at the West Usk Lighthouse on Saturday, June 8. 

Organised by Danielle Sheahan and her husband, the event is described as "a mini-festival for people to enjoy". 

She said: "This isn't just like any normal conference. It's more like a party where people are invited to dress up and have fun. 

"It's an opportunity for people to come and share their unusual experiences and memories of something different with people who are interested in the same topics."

South Wales Argus: The event has been attended by loyal fans and believers over the years The event has been attended by loyal fans and believers over the years (Image: Danielle Sheahan)Each year, the event is highlighted by talks from experts in the subjects that draw audiences of dozens. 

This year is no different, with six subject experts set to attend. 

These are:

  •  Chris Robbins - UFO Disclosures
  • Lawrence Main  - Leys and UFOs
  • Sharon Barbour - How Celestial beings communicate with humanity
  • Alan Forster - Levels of Conciousness
  • Doctor Sim Singh, MD - The Akashic Records 
  • Christie Lewars - Automatic Writing Experiences 

The conference will include a special dinner event in the evening, allowing attendees to mingle and engage with those who share similar beliefs. 

Ms Sheahan said: "We know that some people might find this strange, and not enjoy it, but that's why we like to have a range of speakers and topics to talk about so there's something for everyone. 

"The event gives people a chance to have some fun in an environment with people who share their beliefs and to get answers for some things they don't understand. 

"Some people are inspired by higher powers and don’t always realise it. This event allows people to ask questions and just discover something new. 

"People are really interested in these things, and I like to think we help to try and answer some of the biggest questions in the world.

"It's really important to discuss these more 'unique' subjects that so many people are now fascinated by. We've really noticed a profound shift in interest in recent years."

South Wales Argus: Each year, the event is highlighted by speeches from subject experts Each year, the event is highlighted by speeches from subject experts (Image: Danielle Sheahan)

Ms Sheahan has lived in Newport for almost 30 years and has run this event for six years. 

She added: "We love doing this event and enjoy seeing so many people getting involved. We encourage people to dress up and have fun at these event, some of which will take place outside if the weather is good!"

Tickets are on sale on Eventbrite here for £30 a head, with a further £10 for an overnight stay at the lighthouse.