WORLD RENOWED signer and broadcaster has been unveiled as the new president of the Welsh Association of Male Choirs. 

The appointment was confirmed at the Association's annual general meeting in Cardiff on Sunday, May 19. 

The Association which represents over 100 member choirs will greatly benefit from Mr Evans's leadership, communication, and presentation skills.

Fresh from it's much acclaimed mass choirs concert in the Royal Albert Hall on 27th April, the Association will continue to provide invaluable practical support and advice to member choirs.

Mr Evans also joins at a stage where the Association aims to be more outward-facing, promoting the role and benefits of choral singing in society at large. 

Wynne Evans takes over the Presidency from Huw Tregelles Williams OBE who provided the Association with unprecedented support in the role over a fifteen year period.

Chairman Paul Reynolds said: " “Wynne Evans is ideally placed to assist the Association with its future goals.

“We warmly welcome his appointment and his enthusiasm on accepting the new role.”