A south Wales festival will be highlighting health advice and what to do for asthma in memory of a teenager.

Asthma + Lung UK Cymru and the organisers of In It Together, the country's largest family festival, will be rolling out a range of important health information for attendees.

This is part of an effort to prevent more tragic incidents like the untimely death of 16-year-old Rhys Murray.

Rhys died of an asthma attack on the opening day of the 2023 festival during his first-ever visit.

He passed away while on route to the hospital in an ambulance.

These unfortunate events put a spotlight on the need for greater awareness of the seriousness of asthma, characterised by many as a silent but deadly illness.

This year, festival organisers will display posters across the site, outlining key steps to follow when someone is having an asthma attack, and pinpointing when it's critical to call 999.

Continuing their commitment to safety, the festival will display a video on the main stage with Asthma + Lung UK’s respiratory specialist nurse.

She will detail the appropriate actions in an asthma event scenario.

In addition to the visual aids, Asthma + Lung UK Cymru has five important tips for reduced risks for those with asthma: using the preventer inhaler as prescribed; always having a reliever inhaler on you; bringing an asthma action plan and share this with your friends who will be with you; packing antihistamines for those with hay fever; and locating first aid tents upon arrival.

Rhys’ brother, Thomas Murray said: "I miss my brother every day, nothing will ever bring Rhys back, but it’s great to see the festival organisers being proactive and showing support a year on.

"Rhys loved music and having fun with his friends.

"He would want people to enjoy and be safe at the festival this weekend.

"We are still truly heartbroken and hope this will help raise awareness of asthma and how to help someone if they have an asthma attack.

"Love you lil bro."

Joseph Carter, head of Asthma + Lung UK Cymru said: "We are very grateful that the festival organisers have agreed to share vital asthma health advice in memory of Rhys.

"Festivals can be dangerous for people with lung conditions like asthma due to them being exposed to dust, smoke and other asthma triggers.

"No parent should have to endure the pain of losing a child to an asthma attack.

"We hope this partnership offers some comfort to Rhys’ family."

For more details on how to enjoy music festivals with asthma, please visit the Asthma + Lung UK Cymru website.