A DRUG dealer was caught by bouncers taking bags of cocaine into a ‘notorious’ nightclub.

Dylan Davies, 21, from Monmouthshire was arrested by police after door staff at Fiction in Swansea city centre searched him at the entrance.

Officers recovered more drugs when they went to his home with some of it being high purity 76% to 80% cocaine, prosecutor Brian Simpson said.

They found 18.7g of the class A drug in total which had a potential street value of £1,230, Swansea Crown Court was told.

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Police also seized the £250 cash the defendant had on him when he tried to get into Fiction.

Davies, of Brynglas, Gilwern, near Abergavenny admitted possession with intent to supply cocaine, possession of ecstasy and possession of ketamine.

The offences were committed on Sunday, May 7, 2023.

John Allchurch representing Davies said: “There has been a significant delay in my submission in bringing this matter before the court.

“Often cases of a similar type where defendants are arrested see them brought to court the following day.

“There has been a delay in this case through no fault of the defendant.”

Mr Allchurch added: “He pleaded guilty at the very first opportunity.

“The defendant does not have any previous convictions.

“His parents have had some concerns about him some time.

“He has been diagnosed as suffering from anxiety and depression and has taken steps to address those issues.”

The court heard that the defendant had developed a drug habit but “no longer takes cocaine”.

The judge, Recorder Greg Bull KC, adjourned the case so that Davies can be assessed by a mental health professional.

But he warned him: “This is not to be seen by you as an indication that you will not be going to prison.  

“This type of offending in 99% of cases attract immediate prison sentences, you understand, so it's in your interest as to whether or not you help yourself.”

Recorder Bull added: “This is drug dealing into a club where drug supply is notorious in the Swansea area and the courts have a duty to stamp it out.

“Drugs have such an adverse effect on the lives of young people who attend these places and then go on to either injure themselves or commit crime under the influence of such drugs.”

The defendant is due to be sentenced on June 19.

He was granted conditional bail.