Foster carers in Monmouthshire will be given a council tax subsidy.

Monmouthshire County Council has unanimously agreed to provide a 30 per cent council tax subsidy to its foster carers in recognition of their essential role in caring for the most disadvantaged children in the county.

Foster carers have already expressed that the benefits and support the council offers are valuable in helping them provide the necessary care.

Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for social care, safeguarding and accessible health services, Cllr Ian Chandler, said: "Foster carers in Monmouthshire make a huge difference to children’s and young people’s lives.

"Our appreciation for what they offer can’t be said enough.

"We are now looking for more people to help local children and young people to stay in our community.

"Monmouthshire needs at least 30 new fostering families to provide nurturing and welcoming homes for local children.

"We welcome enquiries from people from all kinds of backgrounds and experience.

"Becoming a foster carer for Monmouthshire County Council will mean you will become part of our fostering community, and the council is delighted to be able to provide a council tax subsidy to foster carers as part of our package of rewards and benefits."

Supporting and rewarding foster carers is the primary agenda for the Foster Wales Monmouthshire team, and they are actively spreading the word in the community about how residents can make a difference to children's and young people’s lives.

They encourage interested individuals to reach out.

The news of the subsidy comes during Foster Care Fortnight, the Fostering Network's annual campaign to highlight fostering and display how foster care can significantly improve a child's life.