A DEALER arrested in a bookies had a huge stash of drugs worth nearly £20,000 in his SUV.

Police followed James Hallett into Betfred on Osborne Road in Pontypool town centre after they had tailed his Range Rover Evoque.

Dan Jones, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court: “The defendant was informed that the vehicle would be searched and at that point he said there were drugs in there and cash.

“He told officers, ‘I’m f*****, I know I’m f*****.’”

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Found in the boot were packages of amphetamine with a street value of around £16,000 and high purity cocaine and cannabis worth £3,500 and £150 respectively.

Police also seized £5,000 cash.

Hallett admitted possession with intent to supply cocaine, possession with intent to supply amphetamine, possession with intent to supply cannabis and possession of criminal property.

The learner driver also pleaded guilty to driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence and driving without insurance.

The offences were committed on Sunday, April 7.

Hallett has 19 previous convictions for 30 offences.

He was jailed for six years in 2021 for being concerned in the supply of cocaine and possession with intent to supply heroin. 

These recent offences were committed whilst he was subject to licence conditions.

Kevin Seal for Hallett asked the court to give him credit for his guilty pleas.

The judge, Recorder David Warner, told the defendant: “Drugs bring misery to users, they bring misery to the families of users and they bring misery to society.

“This was the trafficking of misery and you were heavily involved in it.

“You were carrying a very significant amounts of drugs and this was a significant role that you were playing.

“You were on licence at the time after being convicted of supplying class A drugs in 2020.”

Hallett, 33, of Fair View, Blackwood was jailed for four years and four months.

He is due to face a proceeds of crime hearing on October 14.