AN “insanely jealous” man assaulted and controlled his long-suffering girlfriend during a campaign of domestic abuse.

Martin Anderson, 28, from Cwmbran grabbed her by the throat, punched her and dragged her around by her hair.

He would falsely accuse her of cheating on him, verbally abuse her, calling her “very nasty names”, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

Prosecutor Emily Jermin said the defendant would “humiliate” the woman both publicly and in private.

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Anderson, of Greenwood Avenue, Pontnewydd admitted engaging in controlling/coercive behaviour in an intimate/family relationship.

The offence took place between January 2019 and July 2021.

The defendant has no previous convictions.

Sol Hartley representing him said: “I would ask the court to give him credit for his guilty plea.

“There has been a significant delay in this case coming before the court.

“This was entirely out of character for the defendant.

“He was a young man at the time of this offence who was in one of his first relationships.”

His lawyer added that Anderson was providing support for the families of two friends who had suffered terrible tragedies.

The first friend was killed in a car crash last year and the second is “fighting for his life” after being involved in a recent biking accident.

The judge, David Elias KC, told Anderson: “I accept, looking back now, that you deeply regret the way in which you behaved towards her.

“Far from being a trusting partner and far from being a loving and caring partner, you treated her at times appallingly, as you know, during that relationship.

“From quite an early stage you verbally abused her regularly and you were physically aggressive to her.”

He added: “You were constantly belittling her, accusing her of cheating on you.

“You would call her very nasty names not only in private but when others could hear.

“You treated her in a way that meant that she didn't see her friends and family as she would have liked.

“You were insanely jealous of her for no reason.”

Anderson was jailed for two years, suspended for 18 months.

The defendant must carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, complete a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement and attend 27 sessions of a “Building Better Relationships’ programme.

He was made the subject of a five-year restraining order not to contact his victim.

Anderson will have to pay £500 prosecution costs and a £149 surcharge.