A GWENT Police staff member has been proven to have committed gross misconduct, with the force coming out saying they stand against 'unacceptable behaviour towards the public and colleagues'.

Chief Constable Pam Kelly called individuals who came forward in the case as courageous.

Gwent Police say the former staff member would have been dismissed had he not resigned from his position ahead of a disciplinary hearing.  

The hearing was held on Wednesday, May 15, and chaired by a senior officer independent of Gwent Police. 

The force has not named the individual, stating that misconduct hearing rules for staff are different to those for serving officers, which are often open to the press and the individuals named.

After the hearing, chief constable Pam Kelly said 'communities deserve the highest of standards from all' in the force.

“We firmly stand against any unacceptable behaviour towards colleagues or members of the public," said chief constable Kelly.

“I would like to pay tribute to the individuals who came forward. Their courage in speaking out has allowed us to take this action.

“Both our communities and our staff deserve the highest of standards from all in our organisation.

“We have put a significant amount of work into making sure our staff understand and feel able to report any concerns, challenge behaviour and receive the support needed to do this.

“My position and that of my leadership team is clear, there is no place in Gwent Police for unacceptable behaviour and we will continue our drive to hold to account those who let the public and their colleagues down.”  

All members of staff dismissed for gross misconduct are referred to the College of Policing’s barred list.