A Welsh band who will support the Foo Fighters later this month have spoken about their experiences of being a female-fronted band as part of a Welsh Government campaign to end violence against women.

Welsh alt-rock band, Chroma, will be joining the Foo Fighters on their 'Everything or Nothing at All' UK tour which kicks off next week.

With stops in Manchester, Glasgow, London, Cardiff and Birmingham, the tour primarily features female-fronted bands, with women making up 70 per cent of the supporting acts.

Addressing the alarming realities faced by women in the music industry, Chroma has highlighted ongoing issues of misogyny and abuse.

Facing these issues first-hand, the band's vocalist, Katie Hall, recalled the disturbing incident where the male band members were approached by a man who boldly declared he was 'going to have sex’ with her.

Discussing this distressing event with her bandmates, Ms Hall said: "This bloke had come up to both of you [Zac and Liam] and said, ‘I'm going to have sex with Katie after the show’. The boys came up to me and said, 'Katie do not go near that man.' I know the boys have got my back a hundred percent, but it's still wild."

Her bandmates, Liam Bevan (bass) and Zac Mather (drums), emphasised the crucial role men within the industry play in fighting misogyny and abuse.

Advocating for a zero-tolerance approach, they spoke about the importance of men calling out inappropriate actions and words.

Mr Mather said: "It's about knowing and learning how as men we can do better to respond to individuals when they say something that doesn't flow right."

Ms Hall echoed this sentiment, asserting that women's safety hinges on men acknowledging and challenging such behaviour.

She said: "It’s the only way things can really change, in terms of misogyny and men calling out other men’s bad behaviour.

"It is important to sound it out because that person might not be aware of the full picture or aware that they’re even doing it."

Reflecting on the omnipresent threat faced by women, Ms Hall drew attention to their 2023 album 'Ask for Angela', named after a campaign encouraging people to seek assistance when feeling unsafe or threatened.

She explained: "Even in this modern age, there are still risks for everyone.

"As a woman, that fear is real.

"Every time I walk home from a friend’s house which is only down the road, they’re anxious and say to text them when I get in."

Mr Bevan noted that being part of Chroma has opened his eyes to the unique challenges women face in music.

He said: "Since we’ve been going, there’s been a lot of conversations we’ve had.

"There are things I have never had to think twice about before as a man.

"It’s only when you are in those environments again, you have that fresh angle on what could be happening around you that you might not have clocked before."

Chroma's candid sharing forms part of the Welsh Government’s flagship campaign, 'Sound', launched in 2023 to encourage men to actively participate in ending violence against women and girls.