A DRUG dealer started selling cocaine and cannabis after his mother’s death, his barrister said.

George Stewart, 25, from Newport turned to crime to provide for himself and his younger brother, Emily Jermin told Cardiff Crown Court.

The siblings were struggling to make end meets and pay off debts after their mum passed away.

Stewart was being sentenced after he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and possession with intent to supply cannabis.

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Prosecutor Charles Archer said the defendant was found carrying 10 cocaine deals worth £200 and 38.55 grammes of cannabis valued at £380 on May 1.

Police had stopped a Volkswagen Golf car “linked to drug supply in the area” on Newport’s Risca Road.

Stewart ran off but was arrested shortly after in the High Cross area of the city.

The drugs were found inside his rucksack and officers also seized £325 cash.

A later search of his home revealed he had 120g of creatine – which is used as a cutting agent – and 100 snap bags.

Also recovered was a Nokia mobile phone with videos recording a drug deal and talk of the benefits of using runners to increase profits.

Miss Jermin said in mitigation: “Mr Stewart was a young carer for his mother at the age of 16. She had significant health issues.

“He's informed me it was required of him to step up for not only his mother but also for his younger brother whom he still does play a supporting role for.

“Unfortunately, after a long and sustained period of caring for his mother, she passed away.”

His lawyer added: “Not only did this cause Mr Stewart a lot of mental anguish but he inherited a lot of the difficulties his mother had and this included debts that she had accrued.

“It also put it put him in a place where he had to take responsibility not only to support himself but also his younger brother.

“In these circumstances and in a rather amateur way, in fact, Mr Stewart felt he had no other option.

“He saw only one way of raising the money to meet the debts and that was through drugs.”

The judge, Recorder Caroline Rees KC, jailed Stewart for two years and four months.

The defendant, of Golden Mile View, was told he would have to serve half of that sentence in custody before being released on licence.