A Torfaen meal delivery driver has been praised after noticing when a client was in need of medical attention.

Adrian Herbert, a member of Torfaen County Borough Council's community meals service, was thanked for his quick response when he realised one of his regular clients, a 67-year-old man living at a residential complex in New Inn, Pontypool, was not his usual self.

The man has learning difficulties, is a type 2 diabetic and also suffers from epilepsy.

Mr Herbert, who has been with the service for four years, said: "I knew something wasn’t right as he was not his usual cheerful self."

The service ensures the well-being of its clients, most of who are elderly and might require additional attention.

Mr Herbert immediately took action when he noticed his client was not his normal self: "I trusted my instincts and called a family member, who also spoke to him and realised something was amiss so decided to call an ambulance.

"I was relieved I was there at the right time."

The client, under the family's request, has remained anonymous.

He was admitted to intensive care and has been in the hospital for more than eight weeks.

However, his progress is now looking promising.

The family expressed their profound gratitude for the service, gratefully acknowledging the fact that had Mr Herbert not acted immediately, the outcome could have been dire.

David Leech, the council's strategic director for adults and communities, applauded Mr Herbert's quick thinking and compassion, saying: "Adrian exemplifies the spirit of our community meals service.

"His quick thinking and compassion made a real difference and we’re proud to have him as part of the team."

The service, provided by the council, delivers up to 40 nutritious meals per day to residents throughout the year.

The meals, which cost £6.30 for a main course and dessert, are intended to be more than merely food provision.

They act as a lifeline for residents, ensuring their wellbeing is looked after.

Mr Leech pointed out the importance of community care in an increasingly isolated world: "Adrian’s case inspires us all to be more attentive, compassionate, and proactive neighbours.

"This kind of approach forms part of our wider Torfaen Community Well-being Strategy, where we are working with, and supporting residents, to build stronger, more resilient communities."

For more information about the community meals service, contact the team at 01495 766373 or email socialservices.communitymeals@torfaen.gov.uk.