A Welsh choir charity that reached the Britain's Got Talent finals is facing an uncertain future and is now calling on people to help support their cause.

Only Boys Aloud, which has supported more than 6,500 boys since they launched in 2010, needs to raise £150,000 to save both the Aloud Charity and its famous Only Boys Aloud choir.

It’s the only free choir provision for young men in the country, and without funding, this provision will be lost.

Not only is it a free resource for boys in Wales, but it provides a safe space for them, to find friends and grow into brilliant young men.

Only Boys Aloud is made up of over 150 boys attending 11 choirs across Wales each week and there are no auditions.

The Aloud charity can clearly evidence that they build confidence, self-esteem, skills for future, open career pathways, and enhance mental wellness in young men.

Someone else who has benefited from the charity is Iestyn from Tir-Phil in New Tredegar.

He’s currently in London studying music at the Academy of Contemporary Music and recently began his journey as a solo performer as a live singer and drag queen.

Iestyn said: “I have been with OBA for a long time now; just last year, I celebrated 8 years with them, and I hope to continue with them for many more years.

“The impact that OBA had on me was significant. Through my time with them, I learned a wide variety of music from different genres and countries, and they provided me with the ability to understand the fundamentals of music in a way that was accessible to me. “

“Only Boys Aloud, for me, has been like a small family, that I can go to if I need help. They're always there to help.

“It brings a lot of different people together. There are people who do rugby and football, and people who do musical theatre – it really brings people together and you make new friends and meet new people.

He added: “They also taught me the importance of treating people with kindness and never putting someone down for singing the wrong note."

Another member, Morgan, from Chepstow, is currently studying for his A-levels.

He said: “My journey with Aloud actually started when I joined Only Kids Aloud at 9 years old, and after a short break, I joined OBA and have loved every minute of it.

“It’s opened so many doors for me and gave me opportunities most adults won’t have in their lifetime.

“Some of these experiences include singing at the King's Coronation Concert, an amazing residential week in North Wales, full of performing, learning about and practicing music theory, making new mates and ending with a series of concerts.

“We even had the amazing opportunity to have a masterclass with Callum Scott Howells.

“Being a member of Aloud has opened other doors for me including being part of the chorus performing with Bryn Terfel for his 50th birthday in WNO’s Tosca and touring in Dubai with WNO.

“The training I have had gave me the confidence to audition for and become a member of the National Youth Choir of Wales.

“These have all been amazing but never would’ve been possible without OBA. It is such an amazing place to start and nurture a passion for performing no matter who you are, and I can attribute so many amazing experiences to my days with OBA.”

He added: “Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without OBA. My life would be so boring. 

“There’s been music sung in this country for centuries. We can’t let it die. We need to ensure it remains.”

Alongside the opportunity and safe spaces these choirs provide, the Aloud Charity helps keep Welsh traditions alive, by actively contributing to the development of Welsh language in our communities through song.