Martin has started to look like Petra Czech (the Chelsea goalkeeper) when he wears his crash hat - or perhaps more worryingly, Petr Czech has started to look like Martin. It is most disconcerting to feel that you are being shadowed by an international goalkeeper.

More climbing today and we have reached Pampliega which is in the middle of nowhere but we're on target. The problem with being in the middle of nowhere is that there are few hotels, few bars and not many gas stations where you can get food or water. We are eating into our emergency supplies and Martin is seriously thinking of eating the next snake he runs over but even they seem to be in short supply!

We could have started early today but Martin's lack of pannier management skills put paid to that possibility. It is pathetic to watch a grown man dithering over what to put in which pannier.

Tomorrow is the big match between Spain and Russia and the excitement here is building (unlike the Basque Country where most of the people we met will be wearing Russia shirts and hoping for the demise of the national team)

Talking of football, last night the barman in the bar next to our hotel did a brilliant impression of Vic Reeves setting off a Real Madrid alarm clock - such moments are all too rare in modern life!