THE figures revealed by police today for the rise in the number of glassing attacks makes for grim reading.

According to Gwent Police the number of glass and bottle attacks has more than doubled over the past year to 76 incidents.

Attacks in Newport have increased from 14 to 26.

Although police say its difficult to say why there has been such a big leap, they believe some incidents are down to people buying cheap booze from supermarkets and getting drunk before they even go out.

If this is true then it is a worry.

However, it may be unfair to place the blame entirely at the supermarkets’ door.

Individuals must take responsibility for their actions and not just have an easy excuse ready once they have carried out these horrendous attacks.

If you are evil enough to push a glass into someone’s face then you must face the full weight of the law.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve had to drink or where you bought it from or how cheap it was.

Two years ago we launched a campaign to introduce plastic into our pubs and clubs, especially at the weekends.

We again call for licensees and police to discuss this option again.

With the festive party season well and truly under way we hope we don’t see a further explosion in this type of violence.

Replacing glass with plastic eliminates this problem straight away.