THE NEWPORT primary school head teacher who visited schools in India as part of a joint learning project said the visit was a successful learning experience.

Head teacher of Malpas Court Primary School, Debra Guy, has just returned from a week-long stay in Jamshedpur where she visited six schools with year six teacher Amber Lewis and teachers from three other South Wales schools.

The group of eight teachers returned on Monday, January 19, after visiting the country as part of a three-year programme.

Mrs Guy, 44, said the visit was a success with a joint curriculum project set up between the cluster of South Wales schools and Jamshedpur.

She said they did a lot of teaching and lecturing to show the creativity and good practice which is going on in South Wales schools.

Mrs Guy said the welcome they received was second to none.

She said: “We found that pupils have a lot of respect, they value their education and have a fantastic work ethic. They have a desire to succeed.

“We have a lot to offer and a lot to learn from their education system.

She added: “It was a fantastic experience, very hectic and we learnt so much.

Mrs Guy said the schools also set up strong links with Tata Steel and Tata Motors, part of the Corus group, and got to visit these plants during their trips.

Teachers from the Jalshedpur schools are due to visit Malpas Court and the other South Wales schools in June.